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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Type of Manuscript: Original Article

Title of Manuscript:  (Font; Cambria 16 Bold)

Abstract: (Font; Cambria 10 Bold)

Background: (Font; Cambria 10 Bold)

Text for this section of the abstract (Font; Cambria 10 Regular)

Methods: (Font; Cambria 10 Bold)

Text for this section of the abstract…

Results; (Font; Cambria 10 Bold)

Text for this section of the abstract…                                           

Conclusions: (Font; Cambria 10 Bold)

Text for this section of the abstract…

Keywords: 3 to 6 keywords to describe your manuscripts subject, Taken from the Mesh and PubMed web site and Sort alphabetically.

Write the MeSH Unique ID or PubMed Number (or PMID) of each word in front of it.

Main Text:

*Before text of first line of all major paragraphs should be dented by half a centimetre

All main and sub-titles of the main text of the article should be numbered.

1. Background (Font; Cambria 10 Bold)

Text for this section (Font; Cambria 10 Regular)

2. Material and Methods (Font; Cambria 10 Bold)

2.1. Sub- heading for this section (Font; Cambria 10 Bold)

Text for this sub-section. (Font; Cambria 10 Regular)

2.2. Sub- heading for this section (Font; Cambria 10, Bold)

Text for this sub-section. (Font; Cambria 10 Regular)

2.3. Sub- heading for this section (Font; Cambria 10 Bold)

Text for this sub-section. (Font; Cambria 10 Regular)

3. Results (Font; Cambria 10 Bold)

3.1. Sub- heading for this section (Font; Cambria 10 Bold)

 Text for this sub-section. (Font; Cambria 10 Regular)

3.2. Sub- heading for this section (Font; Cambria 10 Bold)

Text for this sub-section. (Font; Cambria 10 Regular)

3.3. Sub- heading for this section (Font; Cambria 10 Bold)

Text for this sub-section. (Font; Cambria 10 Regular)


All Figures/images should be inserted within the text as close as possible to where they are referenced (figure 1). Authors should not upload them as separate files.

Figure 1. The leaf and flower of Tecomella undulate (Font; Cambria 10)(reference)

Picture resolution= 200 dpi

*The bottom titles of the figures should be in the middle

Notice: if your pictures are not based on your research you have to cite the reference that you used

Note: The number of figures in each article should not exceed 5


All Tables should be inserted within the text as close as possible to where they are referenced (table 1). Authors should not upload them as separate files.

Table 2. Effect of temperature on pupation of S. littoralis (Font; Cambria 10)*



Mean Squares

Health plantlet

Survive plantlet

Culture Method


3.6 ns


Explant Type




Culture Method× Explant Type








CV (%)



*, ** significant and 5 and 1 percent, respectively, ns; non-significant. The data in the table are the means ± SE. Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences at P < 0.05


*Tables should not have lines between their rows

*The top and bottom titles of the tables should be in the middle

*Note: The number of tables in each article should not exceed 5

4. Discussion

Text for this section (Font; Cambria 10 Regular)

5. Conclusions

Text for this section (Font; Cambria 10 Regular)


Authors should write full words or phrases, abbreviated in the article text, in this section

Conflict of interest

All authors have to declare their conflict of interest.

Consent for publications

All authors have to write this sentence that they read and approved the final manuscript for publication.

Availability of data and material

The authors have to declare that they embedded all data in the manuscript.

Authors’ contributions

All authors should write their part in designing the idea, doing, analyzing and writing the article.


Authors should mention the company, institution or organization that paid for the research


Ethics approval and consent to participate[1]:

The authors have to declare that they do not use human or animals in their research but if they used, they have to write name of the ethics committee that has approved the study of enter the code of research ethics (provided by the institution or university where the research was conducted) in the article.


If necessary, the authors can thank people or institutions that have provided them with scientific or material assistance in doing and writing the article.

6. References

Maximum number of the references should be 35 titles.

All references should have doi

Arrange references as a simple list here by using the EndNote.

All references have to be hanging with 0.5 cm (The first line of each reference entry is aligned flush with the left margin and each subsequent line has a hanging indent of 0.5 cm) (Font; Cambria 12 Regular)

Note: The number of references must be a maximum of “35”, and on the other hand, all references must have a “doi”. No reference without “doi” in the article will be accepted.

Note: Authors are not allowed to cite their previous articles for more than 5 references

You can use the Endnote file in below link:


(Abbasi, 2013)[1], Abbasi [1], (Aalami and Karami, 2017)[2], Aalami and Karami [2], (Abbasi-Moghadam et al., 2017)[3], Abbasi-Moghadam et al. [3], (AMFEP, 2015)[4], (Ali-Soufi et al., 2016)[5], (Ahmand et al., 2017)[6], (Fazeli-Nasab et al., 2019)[7], (Liu et al., 2020a; Liu et al., 2020b)[8, 9], (Pandey and Kalra, 2003; Li et al., 2008; Fazeli-Nasab and Sayyed, 2019; Rasouli et al., 2020; Charnley, 1992, Mundree and Farrant, 2000)[10-15].

References should be written in the text as a number and in brackets. Do not write the name of the author of the references in the text. If a text has more than one reference, a comma must be entered between the references. If a text has several references, all of which are behind me, there is no need to enter the number of all references, but only the first reference number should be entered, then the slash line and then the last reference number should be written.

References should be listed at the end of the paper in order of appearance. Articles in preparation or articles submitted for publication, unpublished observations, personal communications, etc. should not be included in the reference list but should only be mentioned in the article text (e.g., A. Kingori, University of Nairobi, Kenya, personal communication). Journal names are abbreviated according to MICRO ENVIRONER. Authors are fully responsible for the accuracy of the references.


  1. Ahmand Z, Fahmideh L, Fazeli-Nasab B. (2017). Genetic Evaluation of Cumin and Caraway Using Eryngium planum Microsatellite Markers. Scientific Journal Management System, 8(2): 59-71.
  2. Fazeli-Nasab B, Sayyed R Z, Farsi M, Ansari S, El-Enshasy H A. (2019). Genetic assessment of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1.2) in Mangifera indica L. landraces. Physiol. Mol. Biol. Pla., 26: 107–117.
  3. Liu J, Kang S, Davies WJ, Ding R. (2020a). Elevated [CO2] alleviates the impacts of water deficit on xylem anatomy and hydraulic properties of maize stems. Plant, Cell & Environment, 43(3): 563-578. ttps://
  4. Liu Z, Hu B, Bell T L, Flemetakis E, Rennenberg H. (2020b). Significance of mycorrhizal associations for the performance of N2-fixing Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.). Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 145(June): 107776.



  1. Abbasi-Moghadam J, Shahriari A, Fazeli-Nasab B. (2017). Investigation of bacteria and fungi populations associated with airborne dust during ‘’wind of 120 days’’ blowing in the urban areas of Sistan plain. Paper presented at the 15th Iranian Soil Science Congress, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, Congress COI: SSCI15, Article COI: SSCI15_687.,
  2. Ali-Soufi M, Shahriari A, Shirmohammadi E, Fazeli-Nasab B. (2016). Investigation of biological properties and microorganism identification in susceptible areas to wind erosion in Hamoun wetlands. Paper presented at the Conference on the Hamoon International Wetland Reclamation Solutions and Approaches, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran, Article COI: HAMOUN01_022; Conference COI: HAMOUN01.,

Book (book Chapter and book section)

  1. Fazeli-Nasab B, Sayyed R. (2019). Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria and Salinity Stress: A Journey into the Soil Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for Sustainable Stress Management (pp. 21-34): Springer.
  2. Rasouli H, Popović-Djordjević J, Sayyed R Z, Zarayneh S, Jafari M, Fazeli-Nasab B. (2020). Nanoparticles: A New Threat to Crop Plants and Soil Rhizobia? In Hayat S Pichtel J Faizan M, Fariduddin Q (Eds.), Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 41: Nanotechnology for Plant Growth and Development (pp. 201-214). Cham: Springer International Publishing.




  1. AMFEP. (2015). Association of manufacturers and formulators of enzyme products. List of commercial enzymes, from


Appendix 1 – Sample title

Descriptions text

Appendix 2 – Sample title

Descriptions text




1 Review Article

These articles consist of Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis, Meta-Synthesis, Scoping Review, Literature Review, and Narrative Review. These articles may be up to 7000 words excluding abstract, tables, and references. Inclusion and exclusion criteria for studies should be described in a flow diagram. The specific type of study or analysis, intervention, population, exposure, outcomes or tests should be described for each data source or article. Authors are to clearly cover the following topics in the method section: search strategy and selection criteria, data extraction, quality assessment, and data analysis. A structured abstract is required that should include: Background; Methods and Analysis; Discussion; Registry and number (if the protocol of these articles had been registered in a registry system).

For these articles authors need to complete and include a PRISMA-P checklist (please find it from and upload as a supplementary file. Authors MUST ensure that all points are included and state page numbers where each item can be found.

  1. Study Protocol

IJHPM welcomes study protocols for any study design. We will not consider the manuscript if the data collection is complete. Protocols for studies that will require ethical approval, such as trials, will not be considered without receiving the approval. By publishing your study protocol at the IJHPM, you are not committed to submit subsequent reports of the study to IJHPM, although we do welcome such submissions. 

Study protocols should be maximum 5000 words (excluding abstract, figures, tables, and references) and cover the following components:

  • Title: this should include the specific study type, e.g. randomised controlled trial.
  • Abstract: this should be structured with the following sections. Background; Methods and Analysis; Discussion; Registry and number (if the protocol had been registered in a registry system).
  • Background: explain the rationale for the study and the gap in the literature it may fill.
  • Methods and Analysis: provide a thorough description of the study design, including sample selection; interventions to be measured; the sample size calculation; procedures, measurements and analytical techniques; a data analysis plan.
  • Discussion: discuss how the methods and statistics will meet the study aims.

We recommend registering the protocol in PROSPERO( This makes the review process for these articles faster as they have already passed a review process.

  1. Original Article

These articles must be of primary research, methodologically accurate, and relevant to international health policy and management. They should contain no more than 7000 words excluding structured abstract, tables, and references. Each manuscript should clearly state an objective or hypothesis; the design of study and methodology (including study setting, patients or participants, inclusion and exclusion criteria, sampling and data source); data analysis and interpretations; the main results of the study, discussing the results; addressing study limitations and the conclusion. For all original articles, a structured abstract is required (please see instructions for preparing Abstracts( In line with the Knowledge Translation movements, IJHPM has adopted an initiative by which all original articles are required to have Key Messages under two separate headings namely: Implications for Policy Makers and Implications for Public (please see instructions for preparing Key Messages( Only original articles require Key Messages.

You can submit your manuscript using the Sample Word Template provided here.

  1. Short Communication

Short communications are short articles (mini original articles) that present original and important preliminary findings that do not warrant publication as a full-length article but are still worthy of publication. Short communications should have an un-structured abstract and should not be more than 4000 words including references and up to three tables or figures. The main text should be sub-divided into background, methods, results, and discussion, but should be written as concisely as possible. To maintain brevity, these articles do not need key messages.

  1. Commentary

These articles are invited on selected MICRO ENVIRONER publications mainly from leading scholars in the field. Authors of the lead article and editors decide whom to invite. These types of articles should not be more than 2000 words including maximum 2 figures or tables with an unstructured abstract. 

  1. Correspondence

These articles are mainly written in response to published commentaries by authors whose articles have been subject to commentaries. These types of articles should not exceed 1000 words including maximum 1 table or figure, references and the main text. No abstract is required for these articles. 

  1. Letter to Editor

We welcome short letters with topics of interest to the MICRO ENVIRONER readership. These letters should not exceed 700 words including only one table or figure, references and the main text. No abstract is required for these articles. 

Please insert the type of your manuscript on top of the Title Page and Main Manuscript.

[1] Protection of Human Subjects and Animals in Research

(Prepared Based on ICMJE’s Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals)

In Micro Environer, when reporting experiments on human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2013. If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.

Informed Consent in Patients and Study Participants

(Prepared Based on ICMJE’s Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals)

In Micro Environer, patients have a right to privacy that should not be violated without informed consent. Identifying information, including names, initials, or hospital numbers, should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, or pedigrees unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian) gives written informed consent for publication. Informed consent for this purpose requires that an identifiable patient be shown the manuscript to be published. Authors should disclose to these patients whether any potential identifiable material might be available via the Internet as well as in print after publication. Patient consent should be written and archived either with the journal, the authors, or both, as dictated by local regulations or laws.

Nonessential identifying details should be omitted. Informed consent should be obtained if there is any doubt that anonymity can be maintained. For example, masking the eye region in photographs of patients is inadequate protection of anonymity. If identifying characteristics are altered to protect anonymity, such as in genetic pedigrees, authors should provide assurance, and editors should so note that such alterations do not distort scientific meaning. When informed consent has been obtained, it should be indicated in the published article.


Section default policy

Review Article



Research Article



Short Article



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